Rivera Family Update October & November 2024

Our Family

It’s been a lot of crazy days, weeks, months, and years for us as a family and individually. There is always something happening, always new adventures, and God is in each one of them.

Azaff has a high pain tolerance so every time he lets us know something is not okay, we act right away. He continues with the treatment for seizures. On November 5th, Azaff had a surgery for appendicitis stage 2. It was an intense time of waiting for results to know what was happening.

We went to a private hospital for the MRI, tests, and labs Azaff needed. When we received the results, we moved from there to a public General Hospital in Ensenada where they performed the surgery. He spent a few days there because when they did the surgery, it was already stage 3, so it was perforated and purulent. I’m so grateful for this hospital, we only had to pay for the tests and meds that the hospital didn’t have, and the doctors and nurses where so incredible good and attentive to us. When Azaff was home, I went back to thank them, especially the nurse and pediatrician; they were so grateful.

A doctor ordered an MRI for my lower back since February. In July, I finally did the MRI and found out that 3 vertebras are almost with hernias. I’m on pain medication and trying to keep losing weight to relieve pain.

My sister Conchita keeps dealing with menopause and is having so many issues because of it. She’ll be 50 years old next month, and I have learned so much from her. Despite everything she is going through she loves to help with cleaning and giving foot massages to us and the staff at the Mission.

God provides, He is present in every adventure as a family, and we will continue serving Him with our hearts no matter what.

My husband keeps working hard with the locksmith and with the Mission responsibilities to keep providing for Azaff’s medication and treatment, and every need for all of us.

Abdiel and Azaff keep doing homeschool every day.

Our Ministry!!

For two weeks, we have a school of discipleship from Brookings, Oregon, along with the Belt family. It is always a blessing to have old friends and family at home.

Alonso (from the Bastidas, one of the families serving here) was working on the retaining wall behind our house at the Mission. This is the same wall that was ruined 7 years ago because of the rain a few days before Christmas when our house got flooded in. Well, the retaining wall is finished!! We are so grateful for Alonso, Belo, and every person who worked on it and the people who donated to make it possible. God is so good and faithful, I can see Him in everything.

A ministry comes monthly to donate beans, rice, oatmeal, eggs, etc. to support the orphanage. This always bless my heart so much. I thank God for the beautiful ministry of MCCA.

The wheelchairs, clothing, food, etc. that we have extra of or don’t need at the moment, we donate to people who contact us asking for help or to the people at the “ejido” we know are in need.

A group from Edgewater was here and they cooked every day the week of Thanksgiving and some of them helped with the construction on the Ahumada house.

Kaylee is visiting home! She was here for Thanksgiving week, and it is always a joy to have her home. She is a sister-daughter, and she always brings so much joy and fun the days she is here.

We didn’t have the School of Discipleship the church wanted to do for 3 months, but even 2 ladies who planned to be part of that came to the Mission anyway and served here the time they were supposed to be here for the school. Elaina from Ohio and Lisa from Oregon; it was a beautiful blessing for us all to have them here.

It was a blessing to have Gedeon, Cora, and baby Phoebe Delgado at the Mission for a few months. We said goodbye to them recently. They helped do the Mission’s daily tasks with joy, I miss them already.

We celebrated…

  • Luci’s 25th birthday on October 10th, she wanted to look like Minnie Mouse.
  • Magali’s 25th birthday on November 15th.
  • Lupe’s 55th birthday on November 25, she wanted to look like a princess frog.

How to pray:

  1. God’s peace in our hearts no matter what
  2. Health
  3. Ministry and family
  4. Strength for all our amazing staff
  5. Safe travels for everyone visiting home
  6. Wisdom in everything

Thank you for reading our update and for every prayer in our favor.

With so much love,

The Rivera Family

Miguel, Zurisadai, Azaff, Abdiel and Conchita.