Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God, who has made us sufficient as ministers of the New Covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills but the Spirit gives life.
2 Corinthians 3:5-6
Dear Friends, Family, and Loved Ones,
This month was absolutely non-stop! Before I share anything, I first want to thank you for your support. The support I have received this month through prayers, encouragements, and financial partners was incredible. I had 2 great opportunities this month to share my testimony and to share what the Lord has called me to in Peru. First, I shared at the beginning of the month at Calvary Chapel North Texas, and then on December 1st, I shared at Calvary Chapel Saving Grace.
Imparting The Vision
Being intentional about spending my last few weeks living in the States has given me a whole new view on my relationships. While I had a blessed time sharing the vision the Lord has given me with the churches, the greatest blessing I have had was spending time with friends and partners. The blessing of getting to know each one of you more deeply and personally has only invigorated me more as I get ready to move. To know I have the blessing of praying for all of you and keeping y’all up on what the Lord is doing on the field, and then receiving the physical and spiritual support to serve on the field is something I could never really imagine until now. I hope all of you understand how much I love you. Although I will miss living and visiting with all of you when I move, there is a special kind of fire that burns in my heart when I think about the fellowship we will share in eternity as partners in bringing the gospel to the most vulnerable and unreached children. I still plan to come back and visit at least once a year though!
Ministers of the New Covenant
Because I have been so busy working, studying online, being in the Mission Training School, and preparing to move, I have not had as many opportunities to minister. When I flew back from Texas though, the same day I was able to go on a regular Thursday evangelism outreach to Cal State University Fullerton with Pastor Nick and my friend Caleb. I spent the whole day at the university talking with students and sharing the gospel. I often look at evangelism as the icing on the cake of my week when I get a chance to go. It is one of my favorite things to do. Having been in Texas the last two weeks, it was funny to me how different the views were of people between the two states, Texas and California. Especially right after the elections. But what really piqued my interest was as we packed up and began to leave for the day, we saw a table for the “Revolutionary Communists of America” handing out pamphlets. I couldn’t help but stop to talk with them. Although they were pretty unreasonable, we ended up being able to share the gospel, as well as strongly warn them of tragically fatal consequences of communism. You should have seen the guy’s face when I ended by saying, “Ultimately the hope your searching for is not in a human government, but a theocracy.”
What was extra special and exciting was the next day I also had work off, so I joined some friends and went with a group that evangelizes to local Muslims. We arrived at a mosque before one of their services and as everyone came out at the end, we handed out tracts and talked with whoever was interested. Although I normally am very bold in evangelizing, for some reason I always have a little hesitancy sharing Jesus with Muslims. However, at this Mosque, God gave me a great example from others in the group, and I had boldness and kindness in trying to give out the fliers and contact people. As one guy was driving out, he was clearly very agitated and started yelling at me as he drove away. Eventually he drove back to an alley right next to the mosque, and jumped in a car with his friend, whom one of the guys from the group was sharing with. He ended up getting out and talking longer with him, my friend, and eventually I joined the conversation as well. He turned out to be a very nice man and heard a lot of what we had to say. Pray for Abdullah! That whole experience reminded me of 2 Corinthians 3:5-6, that I am not able to be a minister of Jesus in myself, but my strength, boldness, power, wisdom, and ability all come from God!
A Special Thanksgiving
This month I also had a very special time with family in Oregon for Thanksgiving. Because I will be moving, this was probably one of the last big family events I had the opportunity to go to for a long time. I stayed in Grantspass, Southern Oregon, and had a fantastic time enjoying family, food, and the beautiful forest!

Calling All Partners!
I will be moving to Peru on January 18th. In order to move to the mission field full-time as a Saving Grace World Missions missionary, I need to have at least 80% of my monthly budget provided for through regular monthly giving to ensure I am able to meet all my needs on the field. I still have need for support, so if you believe the Lord is calling you to be a part of this work He is doing through me for the children and church in Trujillo, you can do so through the Financial Partner link below! It is my honor to connect you, my sisters and brothers of the American Church, to all God is doing on the mission field, and to show you the fruit of your work through me.
Praise Reports
- The blessing of being able to share at different churches, especially in Texas, about what the Lord is doing in Peru and the new ministry for the children’s home.
- All the prayer, encouragement, and financial support I have been receiving.
- The deep conversations and openness in people’s hearts to hear about Jesus.
Prayer Requests
- God to be glorified in the calling of rescuing children, and that many children will be saved and able to grow up in a Christ-Centered home.
- Legal and financial provision for a property that will have space for the church, Bible school, and children’s home.
- Abdullah, the students at Cal State, and the communists would come to know Jesus as Lord, God, and Savior.
- The Lord to bring more monthly financial partners before I leave in January.