Praise the Lord!
Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Thank you, dear supporters and prayer partners, for your prayers and financial support. We are praying for your family and your country. By the grace of God my family and I are doing well. God has kept us safe.

Last month we got the chance to visit the brother A*’s house along with a CBI student. We had fellowship with their family in the Word of God. A student who is in his final year of our Calvary Bible Institute shared from the Word of God.

Last month, we conducted a Bible quiz in our church from the books of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus. Our church members and Bible college students participated. It was a great way to check their knowledge of the Bible.

Last month, we organized a cleaning day along with our students, staff, and church members.

Last month an annual convention was organized by the Christians of the district. We got the chance to lead the convention along with our church brothers. It was a great time to pray for people. Many dedicated their lives to Jesus and decided to walk with the Lord!

Last month, our church organized a one day youth retreat. About 96 young adults participated. They were blessed and renewed by the Word of God.
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for my children to grow in the Lord’s fear and knowledge. Please also pray for their final exams.
- Please pray for our house visitations. Please pray for the students as they share the Word of God. May the Lord use them.
- Please pray for our local village ministry. May they grow in Lord’s Word.
- Please pray for youth of our local area. May they walk in the Lord.
- Please pray for the CBI students to grow in the Word.
Pastor 16* and Family
* Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.