But Jesus said, “Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”
Matthew 19:14 NKJV

Thanks to be God–He has brought these wonderful children to our church! We are also amazed by the number of children who came to our Christmas program–about 42 children attended the Christmas program in our church! When I saw them, I rejoiced in Christ because they were so eager to come to our Christmas program.

We also distributed some gifts to the children who regularly come to our children’s ministry. We gave them some chocolate to enjoy during the program, too.
In the beginning, over 40 adults came for our Christmas program. More people continued to come, even into the night. By the end of the night, more than 100 people had attended. We had a bonfire and many enjoyed the fire.

Our church youth did the best they could to dance, sing, and do other things to engage our guests. We do not have a good sound system, so sometimes people cannot hear us loudly when we are in an open area. We have been praying, and slowly more people have been coming to our open area church program.

During this program, we added extra things to draw more people. We played games, and when we played musical chairs we gave the winners prizes like soap, a brush, or a comb, etc.
My beautiful wife, Mahima, is now 7 months pregnant. Thank you for praying for Mahima. She has also been teaching her women’s Bible Study, through an online platform. She has been dealing with gestational diabetes, and her blood pressure is also increasing. Please pray for her to be healthy and for our baby to be healthy.
In the leprosy colony, we have been doing a Bible Study. By the grace of God, everyone has been growing daily as we are feeding God’s Word to them. We 200 packets of sugar at the leprosy colony during the Christmas season. Their faces glowed, and every leper had a smiling face when they received a small packet of sugar in their hands. They thanked me and told me, “May God bless you.”
For the first time, we played Christmas carols in our neighborhood and shared the Gospel. The people heard the Good News of Christ. We also shared the Gospel more to the people in the area around our church by having a fire outside. People gathered around the fire and we shared the Gospel with them.

Pray Requests:
- Our Bible Institute’s new semester will be starting soon. Pray that God will bring more young people to learn the Word of God.
- Pray that God will provide for the needs of our church.
- Pray that God will bring more unreached people to hear the Gospel in our church.
- Pray that God will bring more children to our church.
- Please pray that Mahima will have normal blood sugar (with her diabetes) and that her blood pressure will be normal. Pray that our child will be in good health.
Thank you for your support and prayers for us.
Thank you so much for partnering with us, praying for us and encouraging us. May God bless every family in Saving Grace World Missions.
Grace and Peace,
Your’s faithful servants,
Rabi and Mahima