Dear Pastors, Leaders and Supporters,
“But my heart’s passion is to preach the gospel where the name of Christ has not been spoken, lest I build on another’s foundation.”
Romans 15:20
Happy New Year to all of you.
I am thankful to God from the bottom of my heart that He is opening up villages for me to spread the Gospel in where no one has heard about Jesus Christ before.
Our First Christmas Outreach
God gave us two more villages where people heard the name of Jesus for the first time! One is a village that no one wants to enter. The people are very poor and of a lower caste. It is also very dangerous. People there beat up leaders and policemen. Even though the village is close to the city, the people had never heard the name of Jesus Christ before. When we got to the village we started inviting people to gather together. We then started explaining to them that we would pray for them. After that a huge crowd gathered.
First, we taught them the Christian action songs. Then we preached the Gospel to them and prayed for them. We distributed New Testaments, biscuits and candies to them. We also showed the Jesus film on a big screen through a projector.

After that we went to another village. There also we gathered everyone and sang an action song first. Then, we preached the Gospel and distributed New Testaments and biscuits. We also gave toffees to the children. Later we prayed for them. At that village one person accepted the Lord. After that we showed the film of Jesus Christ on the screen.
Praise God, that day more than 1000 people, including children and women, heard the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the first time and prayed for the first time.
All this is the answer to your prayers. Pray that we are able to establish a new church in this area soon.
Our Second Christmas Outreach

Thanks be to God! We celebrated Christmas in a home church where we have a weekly church service. Last year, some anti-Christian people came there and beat people up a lot. Because of that, many people stopped coming to the church.

But thanks be to God, we went there and invited everyone again and told them the news of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ and encouraged them. We taught action songs to the children and distributed biscuits, balloons and candy. Those who had stopped coming to our home church came and joined in prayer once again and were prayed for.
The lady who is lying on the bed accepted the Lord Jesus Christ on December 25th. She has cancer. Please pray for her. The doctor charged her a lot of money and then sent her home saying that no one in this world can save her. But she has believed in the Lord and is coming to the church.
She sold everything in she had to get treatment but still could not get cured. When she first came, four people had to carry her to the church. But today I saw she came walking on her own feet with only one person helping her. Praise the Lord!

All the villagers in that village prepared a very tasty meal for us together. May God bless them all.
Our 3rd Christmas Outreach

Thank you for praying for us and always encouraging us.

With God’s grace, we were able to do an outreach in three more different villages. As we reached the first village, we sat down and started worshiping. Some people came and one of them protested badly. I thank God that He prepared the people there to calm him down. We continued to sit there and worship.
We preached the Word to the people and then went from house to house. We spent time in 5 or 6 of houses and prayed for the people. While we were leaving the village, one man accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. He promised that he will come to our church.
When we went to the second village, we preached the Gospel, distributed New Testaments and gave biscuits to the children. The people gave us a place to sit in front of there house. By God’s grace, one person accepted the Lord there also.
While we were distributing New Testaments in the 3rd village, a teacher opened his door for us so that we could sit there and pray for everyone. A girl was suffering from an evil spirit. The sisters of our church prayed together for her and God freed her from the evil spirit. We prayed for many people and gave them New Testaments. We also distributed biscuits to the children. The people in that village invited us to come again. We all returned to our homes thanking God.
Once again I thank you all for your prayers and for participating in the good news.
Our Christmas Celebration

I hope that your Christmas was a joy and blessing.
Thank God! We were able to celebrate Christmas very happily. There was no protest of any kind. 500 people were invited but only 300 came.
Out of those who came, more than 100 people heard the Good News for the first time. One person accepted the Lord during the celebration for Jesus Christ’s birthday.
The children of our church performed some action songs and dance programs. Gifts were distributed to the children.

Everyone had Christmas lunch together. It took us about 3 hours to feed everyone. Thank God that everything went well.
May God bless you all!
Pastor & Mrs. 11*
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.