I really want thank God for how He is working through us.
I am sorry that I have not been able to write a newsletter for a while. I am very happy to share with you what God has wonderfully done these few months.

We are serving in many villages around our city. Many people are coming to the Lord. We run house churches in three places. The churches are 10-20 km apart from one another, so it is difficult to all meet together in one place.

The people who got saved during the last few months decided to get baptized. By the grace of the Lord, everything went well.

My colleagues and I conduct Bible studies in different places during the week. We also host online Bible studies. The Lord is helping those who attend grow in His Word. Thank you for your prayers.
God’s Word says, “He who is faithful till the end will be saved”. There are many people who came to church regularly for a long time, but have now left the Lord and went into the world. I pray that they will one day return to the Lord.
My vision is to have a church in another district of our state. There are 13 districts in our state, in which we are serving in 3 districts. There are more than 18 hundred villages in these districts. 80% percent of these villages do not have any Christians.
There are 2 divisions in our state. We serve in one of them, but the other one is completely untouched.

There are some tribes in our state among whom we are working. We have learned their languages, I can speak almost all of the languages of these tribes. These include JS*, B*, R*, J*, S*, and T*. Some of these villages are situated near the highest mountains where it is difficult to go. There are not good roads there.

M* is another place near the high mountains. It has about 99 villages. We serve in some of these villages, but most of the villages are still not reached with the Gospel. Our vision is to reach all of these villages. There should be Christians in every village.

Similarly, there is J* which has 400 villages. Many people in our church are from this tribe, but we are still far from our target. We pray that doors from these places will open for us and that we can reach them too.
We have been visiting these places for several years. Now, by the grace of God, house churches are being run in some of the villages by local people. Our vision is that people from these places will come to know Christ and serve there. Every two or three months, we give some training to the people who serve there, so that they can do the work of the Lord well.
Prayer Requests:
- The capital of our state is a very big hub for people. People from different parts of of our state live here. Pray that we can share the Word of God to each of them and people get saved!
- Pray for the places where we are serving. May God bring His glory to these places. Also pray for our vision to have a Christian church in every village.
- Pray for God to provide all of our needs.
- Pray for our jail ministry. May more people come to know about the living God and may He set them free from darkness. If anyone is interested in serving in jail ministry and wants to teach me and help, please contact me.
- Pray for a peace of land for our church so that we may have our own place where we may glorify God’s name. For a very long time, we have had church in a rented place. Each day it is getting more difficult to run.
Thank you so much!
Pastor 12*
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.