For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 6:9
Dear Friends and Family,
I am sure by now your New Year is well under way. As I write this we have begun 2025 and as you have done, we have celebrated the end of the year with remembrance of all God had done in 2024 and are now looking forward to what God will do and how we can be used in 2025.
In our last newsletter we were just preparing our Christmas programs so I wanted to share how it all turned out. The Christmas program at Arise Christian Fellowship turned out beautifully. The children and youth really took over most of the service. They performed a variety of 8 different songs, dances and skits to tell the Christmas story and what it means for us. They practiced everyday for 2 weeks. Liana was in every performance and we are so proud of how hard she worked and the commitment she showed. She even got to be the lead in one of the dances and to conduct the small children in singing.

We are so thankful to the Sunday school teachers as well. They worked very hard to teach and choreograph the songs. They came everyday to the church to work with the kids and designed the outfits for the different parts of the program. They also performed a collaboration of Christmas carols. They demonstrated so much patience and love to the children as well as providing the children with something fun and fruitful to invest their time in over the long school holiday. (It’s our summer break here).

The teachers awarded the kids for their hardwork by giving them a Christmas party and gifts.
Liana showed her appreciation for being a part of the show by sharing candy with all the kids and teachers.

The worship team did a beautiful job leading the church in Christmas carols as well in to the heart of worship. I often wish we would sing those beautiful songs more than once a year. My heart was overwhelmed as I sang about the gift of Jesus. They really prepared us for the Christmas message.
For the weeks leading up to Christmas Brian had been sharing each week on the different characters of the Christmas story and their importance. His Christmas message was about Jesus and how His birth was just the beginning of the story of God’s gift to us. He went on to share about Jesus’ purpose in being born and our salvation through His death and resurrection. Truly it taught us the reason for the season.

After the church service we had a meal for everyone who was there. Some of the ladies in the church cooked. We are so thankful for how God multiplied the food. We had planned for 250 people and ended up with 280 children plus the adults. Everyone got something. It was a great time of “swallowship” as Brian and the other pastors always say. We love sharing a meal with everyone because many people in our church are very poor and we do not know if they will have a nice meal for Christmas or not.

Also I believe the fellowship draws us closer together. Our church is not too big and one of the things people always comment on is that they feel like they are part of a family when they are at Arise. For those who we are aware of, that probably would not have any meal on Christmas such as the widows and orphans of the church, we gave out Christmas gifts of rice, maize flour, oil, sugar and soap. We were so blessed to know we would have a nice Christmas at home as a family and it is a blessing to ensure that others will as well. We are very thankful for those of you who gave to make that possible.

For my women’s Bible study and the children who come to that we also had a Christmas party. We have been studying the Names of God, so for the Christmas message I shared on the names from Isaiah 9:6 that are given to the coming Messiah. For the New Year Brian taught a mini series on New Year resolutions and goals we should have as Christians and as a church. I believe not just me but everyone is excited to step out of our comfort zone of 2024 and take steps of faith into whatever God has in store for us in 2025.
Thank you for praying for our family and
for the ministry in Uganda.
In Him,
Brian, Jill, Luke, Laylee, and Liana
- We are so thankful for all that the Lord has done in us and for us in 2024. Pray for God’s leading and direction in 2025.
- We are thankful for our church family. We are thankful to those who serve and for those who are still learning what it means to follow Jesus. Pray that God would continue to grow the church and raise up a new generation of servants.
- We are thankful for the for the many people who pray and support the ministry here.
- Pray for Danison and Ester. He leads our ministry team and she is our Sunday School director. As I am writing this I was just informed their 1.5 year old son has passed away. It is heartbreaking.
- Pray for the Kanyike family as they continue to serve the Lord in Uganda. Pray for their spiritual life as well as their physical needs.
- Pray for Brian as he pastors and leads the ministry team at Arise Christian Fellowship.
- Please prayerfully consider becoming part of the Kanyike Family support team.