I wasn’t hoping for this…
Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and when hardships, trouble, and trials arise—as they will—remember the words of our Lord Jesus: to count it all joy (James 1:2) and that in Him, we have peace by faith (John 16:33). We can trust in His grace, goodness, and faithfulness, for He is the God of hope.
“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Romans 15:13 NKJV
Blessings to you, beloved,
I have officially been living in Yorba Linda, California, for about two months, and it’s been a bumpy yet wonderful ride so far.
After landing at LAX from Southern Asia, I began getting my life situated in Yorba Linda. I was excited and feeling incredibly blessed. I had a job lined up, support to sustain me, and had just come from an amazing experience in a new country. But as Jesus said, “You will have troubles in this life,” and as Christians, we are either in a trial, coming out of one, or heading into one.
Within three days of my return, I reached out to my potential employer only to find out the position had been taken. My support was inaccessible, my family called to inform me of trouble back home, my car’s check engine light came on, and the diagnosis revealed it needed a new transmission, which would cost me 3,000 dollars to fix…
This wasn’t the beginning I was hoping for, and I was tempted to say:
“Lord, I’m doing the will of God; shouldn’t I be receiving favor and blessing? Lord, I left all to follow You; why are You letting this happen to me?”
It’s easy for us to fall into the snare of believing that our obedience equals a life of ease—and that is simply not true. Trial, testing, and temptations are just a part of this life.
So, what did I do to overcome? I remembered the cross. I remembered His promises in His Word, I remembered His love for me and how circumstances don’t define it or Him.
And in His faithfulness, He turned it all around.
In the coming weeks, I found two jobs, my support came in, I received news that God was moving in the lives of my family back home, and I got a call that my check engine light had gone off and my transmission was miraculously okay.
Great is His faithfulness.
I miss my family and church community, but in the meantime, God has blessed me with such a special community that loves Him, each other, and the lost. I feel so blessed to be a part of the work that God is doing here.
Most of my time is spent serving, training, and being equipped for the field with this wonderful body of believers—on Sundays, at church events, evangelistic outreaches, missionary training classes, and in sweet fellowship.

The other part of my time is spent working at Samaritan’s Purse, an organization that sends Christmas presents to children all over the world—with the greatest gift of all: an invitation to receive Jesus Christ.
Operation Christmas Child is a ministry that invites churches to fill shoeboxes with Christmas gifts for children ages 2–14 years of age. Samaritan’s Purse collects these shoeboxes and sends them to children all over the world. But it’s not just about the gifts—it’s about the Gift of Salvation.
Along with the shoebox, children also receive the gospel and are invited to receive Christ. If they do, the children are discipled, taught about their faith, and shown how to share it with others. Samaritan’s Purses heart for operation Christmas Child is evangelism, discipleship, and multiplication.
Since 1993, Samaritan’s Purse has sent out over 220 million shoeboxes; that is 220 million Gospel invitations and counting. These shoeboxes are reaching the ends of the earth, including many unreached areas.

What a journey it has been so far!
I am so thankful for the grace of God that has sustained me and I’m excited for what lies ahead.
Prayer Requests:
– That God would save thousands upon thousands of children, women, and men through the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse
– That God would reveal where He would have me serve long-term
– For my walk with Jesus to remain intimate and that I would abide in Him
– That God would protect and provide spiritually, physically, and financially
– That I would walk in His perfect will for my life
If you have any prayer requests, please click “respond” at the end of my newsletter, and it will be sent directly to my email: Haggstromdeprii@gmail.com.
I want to thank everyone who has partnered with me. I am so excited to share this journey with you all as we fulfill the Great Commission together. Stay tuned for all that the Lord is doing!
If you would like to financially partner with me as I serve with Saving Grace World Missions, you can click here.
Wishing you all a wonderful and Merry Christmas, and a blessed New Year!
And may we all continue to faithfully follow, love, obey, and walk with the Lion and the Lamb.
God bless,