Proverbs 16:9…A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.
Over the last few weeks, more and more people we know have quoted this verse for things going on in their lives. Maybe we’ve heard this verse often but didn’t really pay attention like we have recently. That’s because the Lord was preparing us for HIS steps.
As it turns out, the road to Oaxaca is not a straight road for us. At the end of January we took a vision trip with SGWM to Capilla Calvario Rosarito. We met with Pastor Mike Vincent and the more time we spent with him, it became more evident that God’s hand was in this meeting. We weren’t prepared for that. Haha! CCRosarito has planted 19 churches in Mexico already and they have invited us to spend a short season with them to help us raise up a team for our church plant in Oaxaca. Raising a team is going to be a vital part of planting a church so that it won’t be just us, alone. While we are raising up a team, they have invited us to be missionary staff, where we will serve in various ministries. Some of the ministries are the dump ministry and helping at orphanages. We will also be attending their church planting class that is once a week.
We are excited for the Lord’s plans in our lives as we continue to prepare for our return to Oaxaca. We will be having a Missions Night Potluck and Calvary Chapel San Juan Capistrano on February 18th at 5:30. We will be sharing more about all that’s going on and answering questions anyone might have. We would love to see you all there.
We will be moving to Rosarito as soon as we can find a safe place to live and are able to raise enough monthly support. Please pray that this will be a smooth transition for Jonny and Noah (and us). We’ve been so blessed to be in California with family and friends for a few months.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we follow the Lord’s guidance and calling on our lives. We love you all and are so grateful for each of you.
Jon, Allison, Jonny, Noah Brechtel