Dear Partners,
Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

We express our heartfelt thanks to God almighty for protecting us, giving us good health and enabling us to meditate on His Word every day. We would like to also thank each one of you for your valuable prayers and financial support. We remember you and your family in our daily thoughts and prayers. May our good God bless you with all good resources and good health.
Last month, SGWM Pastors 3* & 16*, came to my home and stayed for a week. It was a blessed time to meet people and share the Gospel. Every Friday I conduct a prayer service at K* village which is just 6 kilometer away. In this particular village, there are 6 families who are believers. On Sunday I conduct worship service at my home. I am now teaching from Colossians. By God’s grace everyone is growing in the Lord.
By God’s grace I am visiting some more villages and sharing the Gospel. I am praying that in days to come, people in those villages will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for M* and K* village fellowships. May God strengthen the believers’ faith. May others also come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
- Please pray for my marriage. My parents are trying to find a suitable girl for me to marry.
- Kindly pray for my parents. Most of the time they are not well physically.
Thank you very much for your prayer and support!
In Him,
Pastor 2*
*Names and Faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.