Hello Everyone. Greetings.
I am very grateful for your prayers. I am very excited that God has done a wonderful work. Many people are being saved here through the Gospel! Through that, our church is growing.

In this past few months, we have baptized many people who came to the Lord. There are some wonderful stories that I am very excited to share with you. I hope that through this God will be glorified.

In the book of Acts, we see how God preaches the Gospel to the Ethiopian through Phillip. The Ethiopian immediately decided and said, “Look there is water here. Now what is stopping me from baptism?”
Phillip says, “If you believe with all your heart then you can take it!”
He said “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God”
A similar thing happened to a brother in my church. He had a lot of trouble in his family. He did all kinds of work to get out of the circumstances and to have peace. But he did not find satisfaction through Hindu rituals.
The same day that he heard the Word of God, he dedicated his life to the Lord. The next Sunday when he came to church, he said, “I want to get baptized.”
I told him to wait and learn more about God first, but he said, “I believe in the Lord. So what is stopping me?” The same day that this brother got baptized, his wife and father dedicated their lives to the Lord!

Here is the story of another brother. He was very troubled because of family reasons. Eventually, his mother died. He became full of depression and anxiety. Evil held him in such a way that he tried to hang himself twice.
A person from our church shared about Jesus with him. From the time on, he wanted to come to church. The day he came to church and heard the whole Gospel, he said “I have never been so happy in my life before!” He decided to follow God. After that his whole family accepted Jesus.
A while ago a boy from our church was beaten up by an anti-social group. A video was even made of him that said that he was converted to another religion. The boy was very scared. He is only 15 years old. The boy’s family was very upset. But this family stood up for their faith. They said, “No matter what happens, we will not leave Jesus.” Keep them in your prayers.

We distributed about 200 notebooks in our slum ministry for Christmas. We also donated school items to them.
Prayer Requests
- Pray for the people who have fully committed their lives to Christ. May they become strong in the Lord and keep learning the Word of God
- There are some more families who are ready to be baptized. Pray for God’s timing and also for protection from anything evil.
- Pray for the family who is getting persecuted by fanatical anti-Christian groups.
- Our church is growing day-by-day. We don’t have a proper place where we can meet and have freedom to do church activities. Please pray for God’s guidance in this.
- Our rent agreement is over now. Please pray for the landlord to extend our rent agreement for another year.
Thank you so much!
Pastor 12*
*Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.