Faithful with the Small Things – January 2025 Keeler Update

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and

whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. “Luke 16:10

You just spent 6 weeks in Mexico, where your heart was exposed to the realities of people who have never heard the gospel, you were hearing both good and bad from current missionaries all around the world, and you were intensely involved in day-to-day ministry and outreaches. You became engrossed with the heart wrenching fate that 3.2 billion people may be born, live, and die without ever hearing the Gospel. Then, you come home to leave all, ready to see where God may send you, and He says wait.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart

and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways submit to him,

and he will make your paths straight”Proverbs 3:5-6

Why I am Here

Youth Group Wed. Jan. 29th ( 3 girls came!)

When I came home, I was so expectant that the Lord would speak clearly on the call He gave me at CSOM, and He did. But not how I expected. He started to show me I must be faithful with whatever is in front of me, no matter where I am. It’s easy in a school of people your age all with similar callings to compare. I found myself doing that as people knew where they were called locationally and started going on vision tours and I was home, doing the same things I was doing before.

But God showed me how crucial it is to be faithful with the small things and showed me how big they actually are. I am blessed to serve in our Youth Ministry here at CCSG, where we meet every Wednesday for youth group and Sunday for a youth church service. Lately we have had a small attendance, especially in the number of girls that come. But it’s those moments where even 1 girl comes, that the Lord speaks to me and says, “That is why you are here”. I also am extremely blessed to be on staff at CCSG which means I get to be a little more involved in the behind the scenes of running a church! Here I am growing in a lot of ways, but my job is simply an Administrative Assistant where I assist our Administrative Pastor/Worship Pastor Joel Garcia, as well as do our graphics, bulletins, and a little of our church app. So, until that time comes where I know where the Lord has called me elsewhere, I will be faithful exactly where He has placed me.

Where He has Placed Me

This year’s MTS Class! Ahhh how exciting!

Where else has He placed me? In our Missions Training School (MTS) here at CCSG. I have a culture class about 2x a month on Mondays with Pastor Rob who was a missionary on the field for over 10 Years. And we currently have a Hebrews class Tuesday nights taught by Pastor Trent, and I am loving every second! As well as every Wednesday we all have class together from 1pm-4:30pm and for an hour of it we split up into groups and practice teaching a specific passage from the Bible while getting critiqued by one of our Pastors or leaders! As scary as it is, it’s the best way to grow in Homiletics (Teaching the Bible) and Hermeneutics (Studying the Bible), so I am thankful for it. Sparing you some details.. I just want to say I absolutely LOVE this program. I am so grateful to be intentionally poured into here and have the opportunity to serve consistently in so many areas. I am excited for 2025 and all that God is going to do! Here are a few ways you can further support me in this new year!

Ways to Support


I absolutely NEED your prayers as I am seeking the Lord while doing all that He has placed in front of me. I can’t do any of this out of my own strength, and so I ask that you come alongside me in prayer for this next year of MTS and simply serving our King! 


As I mentioned earlier I am unsure of where God has called me to serve locationally. But what I am 100% sure of is He has called me to leave everything and serve Him cross-culturally. I am grateful to be serving here but I am also so excited to see where He will send me. A part of that preparation time includes vision tours. A vision tour is essentially opportunities we are given as MTS students to visit different places ( accompanied by our pastors or leaders and or other students who feel led) and spend a few days or weeks praying over the land and seeing if this is where God has called us. This year there will be a few vision tour opportunities that I am praying over. If you are interested or feel led to help cover the cost of those please click the financial giving button at the end of this newsletter!

Prayer Requests


• More discipleship opportunities with the girls

• Each youth would have a personal walk with Jesus

• Our Winter Camp this weekend (Feb 7th-10th)

• Me teaching girls winter camp devotional every morning (wisdom) 


• Growth in my teaching class

• I would time manage well

• Financial provision for future vision tours


• Salvation of my family

• I would saturate my life in the Word

• I would diligently seek the Lord on direction

Thank you for taking the time to read this update on all that God is doing in my life! I pray you were encouraged and stirred up to seek Him more and more. If you have any questions or would like to chat further email me and I’d love to talk more! Until then,

“.. seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given

to you as well.”

– Matthew 6:33 SEEK HIM

– Serena Keeler

End of Year Moments in Pictures!!

New Connection Card!