I am glad to announce the end of the spring semester, February–May 2024, of our Calvary Bible Institute. It was a wonderful semester to teach and get to know our dear students. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to our Lord for sending such wonderful men and women to CBI. It was another great opportunity to live with them, teach them, and share God’s vision for His ministry.

Gospel Outreach– This time we ended the semester with Gospel outreaches. It was really exciting. The students showed their great enthusiasm in preparing dances, skits and Gospel messages. We had the opportunity to share the Gospel in two areas.

One-Day Youth Conference: The local church youth also attended the conference. There were over 80 youth at the conference, including our students. It was a great time to teach at the conference from the book of Jonah: Don’t Try to Run Away from God’s Calling in Your Life.

Morning Devotions in the Church Courtyard
Every morning we had devotions as we started the day. The final semester students got to share during the devotions.

Open Air Gospel Outreach in the Village
This tribe used to be considered an isolated jungle people. They used to not associate with any other people. But the Gospel has been spread among their tribe for many years, and they are becoming social. The Gospel brings everyone together. Our government is also encouraging them to become social. The village we had outreach in is around 8 kilometers from the Calvary Chapel we had the conference at. Some families from that village attending the church. Generally, people in this tribe have many children in their family. They do not like to send their children to school.
Our Second Outreach:
We did a second outreach. Praise God, there were no hindrances or objections! The Gospel was clearly shared.

At the end of the trip, we had a great time refreshing with our Calvary Bible Institute students. We hiked for 4 hours to a mountain cave. It was full of excitement and fun.

Meeting Pastor Raju’s Family
Before we headed back to the capital, we stopped at Pastor Raju’s church. We spent time praying with Pastor Raju’s family and the neighboring church believers.
Our Church in the Capital’s Bible Church Ministry
Along with our weekly worship services, there is a lot of ministry happening throughout the week: women’s ministry, fasting prayer meetings, children’s ministry, youth ministry, weekly Bible studies, house fellowships, and visitations.
Inductive Bible Study Class
Currently, two of our church leaders, Roshan and Akash, are studying at our Calvary Bible Institute. They have completed their second semester. They have been engaged in ministry in our church. Last month, the church organized IBS training for its believers. Roshan and Akash taught the IBS class.

Bible Study at Rabindra’s Place
The Bible study has been led by one of our church leaders, Rabindra, for over a year. New people are joining the Bible study.

Calavary Chapel in the South-East
Pastor Nikesh’s family has been serving in the south-eastern part of our country. The city is filled with orthodox Hindus and Muslims. Despite persecution, threats, and employment challenges, he has been serving the Lord. The Gospel has not been stopped; people are coming to their church.

Calvary Chapel in the Middle-Eastern Part of Our Country
Pastor Laxman is serving in the middle-eastern part of our country. The place is filled with orthodox Hindus. Despite social discrimination, hatred towards Christians, and employment challenges, he has been serving the Lord faithfully.
In His Service,
Prakash & Muna