By Paul Boubion
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”
Matthew 28:19
This year the Lord has really highlighted to us the desire to teach folks how to read their Bibles. At our church we have a New Believers class that encourages folks to daily pray and read their Bible. This practice is called “daily devotions” by many people. We have found that, like everything, we need to learn both the “HOW TO” and the DISCIPLINE of spending time with Jesus by prayer and reading the Bible.
This daily practice is part of required homework for everyone that requests counseling with us! And recently, on Thursdays, I have invited available men to sit in my office from 6:30-8:00pm to learn how to read their Bibles.
Earlier this year, I developed a one-year reading plan in the Gospel of John. It allows the reader to really focus on just one or two verses at a time. Send me an email if you’d like a copy of the plan!
As a pastor at Calvary Rosarito, I get to do a lot of teaching and translating! Here are a couple pictures:

August was a busy month for the family!

Poiema: Something amazing happened with our daughter Poiema! She flew to Peru on her Mexican passport and was only given a 12-day visa! Mexico and Peru on not on the best of diplomatic terms! SO, after she prayed and fasted about what to do, Pastor Cory, the director of CBI Trujillo offered to send her to CBI Guatemala in Antigua!

Cristian is now attending the Universidad Xochicalco in Ensenada!
He is extremely busy studying and making new friends! He started August 20th after passing the entrance exam on August 19th! Not only that, the dorm rooms were 100% occupied and in high demand! However, the day we drove down, a student exited the program and 1 room became available! Studying medicine is very hands-on as they are given practical experience in local hospitals and clinics starting the 2nd semester!
Stay healthy! I get to ride on my mountain bike a few times a week with Pastor Wilson!

Losses and reunions: On a sadder note, as I mentioned in our last blog, my cousin Adrienne passed away in July. However, funerals give us not only a time to reflect, but to reconnect with our loved ones.
“To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die…”
Ecclesiastes 3:1-2
Praise Reports
- Paul’s new men’s discipleship group on Thursdays!
- We are enjoying good health!
- Our three children in Mexico are all on track and moving forward! Cristian at University, Poiema in Guatemala, Benjamin studying coding at San Diego Community College.
- Poiema starting CBI in Guatemala!
- 45-60 women join Claudia in person and online for the MDVP bilingual study!
- This year we have been more successful in the Biblical Counseling ministry having trained around 5 more ladies, as well as making Paul’s office available for pastors to counsel in!
Prayer Requests
- For the ministry at church as well as in the home!
- For our personal relationship with God to be our #1 priority.
- MDVP bilingual women’s study
- Developing a web resource for our counseling ministry
- Provision for finances for Cristian’s tuition.
- For the upcoming men’s retreat October 4-6 (I am helping with planning & teaching)