Christmas is in full swing here in Japan. There are decorations and lights in the parks and shopping malls. The stores are playing Christmas music. There are Christmas markets and holiday light shows that you can go watch. Unfortunately, they don’t understand why Christians are celebrating. So, while on the surface they seem more excited about the birth of Christ than the West does (‘Merry Christmas’ is plastered everywhere, there’s no ‘Happy Holidays’ or ‘Season’s Greetings’ here), once the Hollywood version of Christmas is wiped away there’s nothing left.
The other night we went to the German-esque Christmas Market near where we live. There were stalls selling sausages and candied nuts and hot chocolate, there was an ice-skating rink and street performers. There was also a nativity scene. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus were there, along with sheep and donkeys and the like. As the Japanese people passed the nativity they would bow to the manger and then throw a coin at the feet of Mary and Joseph. This is the sight very common in Japan, but you’d only see it if you were at a Buddhist Temple. The Japanese aren’t a spiritual people, but they are extremely superstitious, so they will go to the temple and throw in a coin if they need good luck on a test or a job interview. They don’t understand the difference between Jesus and the principalities that are worshiped at the temples and shrines, all they know is that the nativity shows up for six weeks a year and if they have time, they might as well throw a coin and see if their luck improves.
This, of course, leads to many opportunities to have important conversations with people. Some are curious about the meaning of the manger scene, or the reason for decorating trees, or how Santa Claus fits into the story, and it’s an easy conversation to take them to Jesus and His coming to earth. Be praying for us as we continue to have these conversations with people until the end of the year.
We are almost to the end of our first year here in Japan, and it has gone by in a flash. We are so thankful for all that the Lord has done to bring us to where we are now. Japan has quickly and mostly painlessly become to feel like home, and our church family here are a blessing in every way. Thank you for all your prayers and support, they have been a great encouragement to us.
In January, more workers will arrive from California to serve with us at Abide. Please be praying for our entire team as it starts to grow. I’ll be attending a language school full-time starting in January and Alishia will continue on with our friend from church who tutors her. I have been teaching the book of Acts via Zoom at a bible school in South Asia for the past few months. Those classes will run through March; please pray for me as my schedule becomes much fuller. Alishia continues to host people and has been investing in some of the young girls at church. We are still helping with the kid’s English classes at the church, and I have been given the opportunity to teach here and there as well. Please continue to pray for us.
We love you all. Merry Christmas!