Challenging Faith – Boubion Update December 2024

By Paul Boubion

Preaching Acts 19, “The Fruits of Revival.”

I recently had the privilege of teaching in the pulpit on a Wednesday night. It was during the World Series, but my mom said she still watched my sermon! I taught a passage in Acts 19 where the great Apostle Paul does great miracles as he preaches the Word of the Lord in the ancient city of Ephesus (now in Turkey). Now, there is a passage that says, 

“ Also, many of those who had practiced magic brought their books 

together and burned them in the sight of all.” (Acts 19:19)

Isn’t that incredible? Not only do the people see God’s miraculous power, they respond to the gospel in transforming repentance by burning their witchcraft books! 

I mention this because it is very similar to what we have witnessed in Mexico! Many people since before the Spanish Conquest in 1519 have worshipped demonic spirits in a bloody trail that persists to this day. Today, Santeria, witchcraft, and other openly demonic practices occur all through Mexico and Latin America. Many people suffer the bondage of fear to these evil powers! 

However, when people encounter the REAL Jesus Christ and HIS power and they turn to God in repentance, great things happen! People destroy their idols and books and are transformed by the Holy Spirit!

When you see photos of people worshipping and celebrating, remember that some were in bondage to demon worship, black magic, or similar occultic practices.

My title of this newsletter, “Challenging Faith,” has a double meaning as we challenge people to follow Christ in genuine repentance and at the same time our faith is challenged! We must believe that Jesus’ power is greater than the forces of darkness, of demons, criminals, and the general feeling of insecurity that persist in our country.

Mission trip to San Luis Colorado, Sonora

Recently, Claudia and a team from her women’s group travelled to a more rural part of northwest Sonora to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to 40 women and 70 children. The ladies enjoyed a time of worship, the Word which was taught by Claudia, food, games, and a raffle. Meanwhile, the children enjoyed celebrating a birthday party for Jesus. 

Our sister Elodia, (one of the leaders in the women’s study) brought the fun games and gifts to the large group of children! We thank you for your prayers and financial support as this is your spiritual fruit as well. 

Wedding Fun

This is Lupita and Cupertino, who wanted to have a church wedding!

Lupita and Cupertino have been legally married for 3 years, but wanted God’s blessing over their wedding. This woman’s genuine faith has had a wonderful impact on her family! Many faithfully attend our church. 

Celebrating a wedding is an honor and privilege because Jesus loves weddings too! Did you know that Jesus’ first public miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding feast? Blessings, miracles, and transformed lives occur when Jesus is invited.

Biblical Counseling Ministry

Please pray for us as we lovingly confront folks who ask for counseling. We live in a culture, whose national slogan includes, “El Orgullo Mexicano!” Which is the legendary MEXICAN PRIDE! Pride is a cultural value God hates! Pride prevents correction. In fact, I have had people correct me and quote Bible verses to me in counseling! When I suggest that a person would benefit from LIVING a bible verse, rather than preaching it to a pastor…I have sometimes triggered a very angry response! God’s Word says, “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble!” (quoted in James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5).

Often, we scratch our heads wondering if the person seeking help even knows Jesus!
We like to ask people their “testimony” and when they are confused, it is a great opportunity to share and explain the Gospel and invite people to cry out to God in repentance! Obviously this is a process that sometimes requires more than the 6 weeks we dedicate to a counselee.

Do you have a personal testimony of how Jesus Christ has radically transformed your life?

In our Mexican church culture, many folks are just like I used to be! I would sin and ignore God all week (unless I had a test in school) and then go to Mass on Sunday, and repeat this every week! If I felt especially convicted of some sin, I would go to confession (a super rare occasion – like once a year)!

I never knew nor experienced the transforming power of a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ! That didn’t happen to me until 1992 at age 28! I want everyone to know our Savior!

The good news is that when we come to God in repentance and honesty, He receives us. See what Jesus says in John 6:37,

“All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out!”

Our Christmas Celebration!

We celebrated Jesus’ birth with family and friends! What a blessing to invite folks to celebrate my favorite holiday! We had the privilege of celebrating not only with most of our children, but also with a few friends who are not able to be with family this season! We randomly divide our guests into 3 teams and they complete three challenges, each within 5 minutes. They build a Nativity scene, color a picture, and put together a puzzle! Fun with a purpose!

Most people ask, “what food did you prepare?” So if you are curious…we had turkey, potatoes, stuffing, macaroni & cheese (thanks Costco!), hamburgers, pizza, and chicken from Pollo Feliz!

Pastors’ Christmas Photo!

One of the things I love about our church is that God consistently brings us faithful and gifted men and their families! Right now we are 17 pastors! What a blessing to have so many at hand! Here’s why it helps to have so many leaders, pastors, and servants: In 2024, we had 197 baptisms and 599 professions of faith!

Poiema in Guatemala! By Poiema Boubion

My third semester at Calvary Bible Institute has just come to an end. I’m amazed about how I even ended up there! I never even considered going to Guatemala, but God had other plans! And I give Him thanks for it! I never imagined I’d get to live in such a beautiful place. I’m not used to so much greenery, volcanoes, and color everywhere! God brought me to grow and teach me to be more like Him. God used a new environment with new rules, routines, and people, to mold my character. I learned more self discipline and dying to my own desires and will, in order to obey God’s will. I’m so incredibly thankful for the time I got to spend in CBI Guatemala.

I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me in 2025! So please pray for me! I need God’s guidance for courage and initiative to take steps of faith to where I believe He is leading me. I would like to finish what I started and complete the 2-year CBI course. God willing, I will be able to return to CBI Peru for my last semester. 

Cristian in Mexico

Cristian has made some great friends at school and church. Below is a photo a friend made and sent to him on his 19th birthday. He is attending Medical School at Xochicalco University in Ensenada (5.5 years to go!). It is very rigorous with NO free time, but he is doing fine! If you visit, he will measure your blood pressure for 5 pesos!

Posadas and English Speakers Christmas Party!

We attended a lot of parties (posadas) this season! I think Claudia’s favorite was the white elephant gift exchange. Have you been to a white elephant gift exchange before? Everybody gets to choose a new gift or “steal” one someone already opened. The third time a gift is “stolen,” it is locked! Claudia is the happy owner of a locked gift!

Below is our team assembling candy bags to throw out along the route of our second annual parade!

Post-Christmas in Southern California

The day after Christmas, we returned to SoCal. The ladies went dress shopping for my daughter Natalie’s wedding this June!

Prayer Requests

  1. Family unity and protection
  2. Provision for Poiema to return to Peru one last semester!
  3. Renewed vision and focus for 2025 ministry service
  4. Developing Spanish language resources for our counseling ministry
  5. For God to raise up more women’s leaders for the Bilingual Women’s study!
  6. Provision & Travel Visa for Poiema to return to CBI Peru.

Praise Reports!

  • Selling one of our lots in Rosarito has provided for Cristian’s schooling for 1 more year!
  • Claudia and I have been faithfully doing daily bible devotions all year!
  • The blessing of counseling and discipling many successfully this past year!
  • A successful year for MDVP Bilingual women’s Bible study!