This year was our first ever national pastors’ conference for all of Mexico. We had hundreds of pastors from every corner of Mexico come together. The most beautiful thing about it was….we had the honor to host the event here in Acapulco. This year I was one of the guest speakers along with legends like Raul Ries, David Rosales, Bryan Parish and many more. We had a great time of Bible study and rich fellowship. Our team did such an amazing job serving the pastors. They worked very hard day and night as they served, cleaned, took care of kids, drove, and cooked. We are so grateful for the hours our team spent to bless these pastors and their families.
Growing in Grace and in Numbers too
As the church continues to grow, we continue to pray for our own building. We want to be able to build more classrooms on the second floor, as well as extend our sanctuary. However, it’s too big of an investment to make for only being renters. Another option is to buy land and start from the bottom. Whatever the case, we need more space. Finding places with rooms as seen below is very difficult in Acapulco; almost everything is built upwards rather than spatially wide. So please pray that the Lord gives us wisdom and patience and if it’s His will, that doors would open.
Married Couples
We recently concluded our marriage study and it was a blast. We had an intense 3-month study that challenged all of us. By the grace of God, we were able to witness fruit. We believe marriage is an area that needs to be protected, invested in, and given special attention. It is the core of our society, and strong marriages produce strong families. God’s Word teaches us how to love, honor, and respect one another. We look forward to our next marriage course.
Men’s Discipleship
We finally opened our men’s discipleship study. This will be our 3rd generation. The course is designed to raise new pastors and leaders, either to serve here or open up a new work. The group usually starts off with around 30 men but as the course gets more and more intense, we usually end up with 12-15 solid servants. We study 1 Timothy 3 regarding bishops and deacons.
Women’s Groups
One step to Freedom and Navigators
We have two women’s groups. One group is doing a discipleship, while the other group started a class called, “One Step to Freedom.” It is for ladies struggling with addictions and sin or for those who have family members who struggle. Both groups get together to worship, pray, and study His Word. It is such a blessing to have these ladies lifting one another up and sitting at the Lord’s feet together each week.
Hospital Outreach
Our hospitals are overflowing with people. Sadly, when someone visits a loved one at the hospital they usually have to camp out at the entrance. These hospitals never have sufficient medicine, which means a relative needs to be close in order to send them to the pharmacy. Some people are there for days on end. Our ministry, “LOVE in ACTION,” feeds them, ministers to them, and gives them the Good News. We pray that our Heavenly Father would be glorified by these servants shining their light for the world to see.
We had an amazing VBS as we taught the truth of God’s Word to the little ones. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” This year was based on Romans 12:2 (not to be conformed to this world, but renewing our minds on God’s truth). The truth comes from God, we need to learn the truth, Jesus is the truth, and we need to share the truth with love. We pray the the seeds sown will bring fruit in their lives!

Villegas FAMILY update!
We celebrated 25 years of marriage and 20 years on the mission field!! God has been so good to us! We were able to celebrate with our all our children! We have so much to be thankful for! Our son Noah just started the journey of marriage. He married Keyla, a beautiful girl from Acapulco. Their situation is difficult because she does not have a visa to go to the States. She is currently living with us until everything is ready. Noah is studying at Cal State Fullerton. Please keep them in prayer. Elijah and Bianca are living in New Mexico as he is still serving in the US Air Force. Micah has been in full-time ministry for the last year, but he will be heading to the States in December to go to college.

Trusting in His Plan
God has been faithful to not just cover our needs for the last 20 years, but He has gone above and beyond to bless us! We humbly realize that He has used people like you to bless our ministry and family. We truly acknowledge that our ministry is a team effort in which we bear fruit together. When you partner with us, you are a co-laborer in the work God has given us. Please prayerfully consider coming alongside us. The smallest contribution goes a long way. Thank you all, and God bless you!