Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I hope you are doing well! Thank you for your prayers and support. I am doing good by God’s grace.
In September, I got the opportunity to visit Thailand. We had a conference for those who are serving God in Asia. I had a blessed time hearing the stories and ministry updates of all of the people I met.
It was such a blessing to meet those who have been doing ministry in difficult places for many years. It challenged me when I learned about their perseverance in the ministry of the Gospel in spite of all the difficulties that they face. I was really encouraged when I met the young adults who are just getting into the mission field. It was encouraging to see their passion to reach the un-reached.

Last month we had an annual convention organised by all of the local churches in our town. Together they invited unchurched people to attend the services and hear the Gospel. We had a three-day meeting and the Gospel message was preached. I am grateful that I got the opportunity to be a part of the choir and to lead the worship on the first day during the evening meeting.
The pastor taught against prosperity Gospel preaching. The topic of his message was “We need only Jesus”. His emphasis was on coming to Jesus only to get Jesus (not material possessions). On the third night, the last night of the convention, many people who heard the Gospel surrendered their lives to Jesus. They asked me to pray for them so that they may grow in their personal relationship with Jesus.

Along with the young adults of my church, I organised a one-day youth meeting. We invited young adults from our town and the nearby areas. We were expecting 60 to 70 people. 96 young men and women showed up for the convention! One of our graduates (who leads worship at our church) and I taught on four different subjects.
At the end of the meeting, we handed out a feedback form for everyone to fill out. We got positive feedback on all of the forms. They shared that the meeting helped them realize their need to grow in the Lord and be His witness to young adults who are living a worldly life. Many of them shared that they want us to do one-day youth meetings more often.
Prayer Requests:
- Pray that I will continue to grow in the Lord.
- Pray that God will continue to use me for His glory as I teach and disciple these students.
- Pray that I will be a blessing to the young adults and teens whom I disciple.
- Pray for the people who heard the Gospel. Pray that those who decided to follow Jesus continue to grow in Him and that they stand firm during difficult times.
- Pray for God’s protection upon us. Persecution is increasing in our area.
God bless you,
Pastor 9
* Names and faces have been changed or omitted for security reasons.