Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21
Can someone please pinch me?! This is how I’ve felt for the past month. I have been praying this whole year to come back to Japan and it finally happened again! This time I have the opportunity to stay here for two months! And if that wasn’t enough, I had the blessing of attending the Asia CCA Missions Conference in Thailand! But wait… there’s more… the last stop was in the Middle East. I truly am blessed beyond measure. This is exceedingly abundantly above all that I could ever ask or think. This is a result of saying yes to Jesus! Yes, Lord send me!
Seek God
During the first week of the trip we got to show a couple of people around Osaka. They also are praying about possibly moving to Japan & sure enough, their heart grew for the people! It is so exciting to see a team slowly building on this side of the world. This is the true purpose of a Vision Tour, of my time here in Japan as well. It is to seek God and pray over the country and the people. As you have noticed, it is a gradual process. It started off as a 2-week trip, to now a 2-month trip, to soon a couple of years here, God willing. It is a way to be fully immersed in the culture and the language before making the full-time decision of moving here. And let me tell ya, I feel completely immersed! Full send!! I will share more about my time in Japan in my next newsletter. Stay tuned!
Heroes in the Faith
Our next stop for ten days was in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Over the past year I have read so many biographies of missionaries, but to meet them in person was another thing! You hear stories of Jim & Elizabeth Elliot going to tribes in the jungle and how he gets killed by the tribe, but the wife comes back and they all get saved. We had the honor of hearing those same stories from people all over the world! For example- one of the ministries that was started in Asia, sprung out from a pastor being killed by the tribe. Years later, God spoke to this man and told him to go back to that village to preach the gospel. He obeyed, left early in the morning, and the village got saved!
After the main conference, Saving Grace World Missions held their own conference from their own missionaries working in different parts of Asia. There were about 50 people! Some who have given their whole lives to share the gospel. And not just that, but all the trials and persecution that come with it in their specific countries. In one closed country, a man shared about being beaten and incarcerated because of his faith. These are normal things that they experience. It was like walking into a red carpet event, except this was like walking in the hall of faith. We got to meet many of the heroes in the faith!
Light in a Dark Place
The last part of the trip was in the Middle East. As most of you may know, I have had a heart for the Middle East since I was little. The purpose of this trip was to meet with the current team in the Middle East, as well as seek God and His will. My heart remained open during my days there, as I embraced the culture, the people, and the food. I was highly encouraged as we met with many workers there from all over the world! The highlight of the trip for me was seeing the Latino community, specifically the Brazilian community, being a light in a dark place. I’m glad I got the opportunity to go, to encourage my friends that are praying about moving there.
Going up to the Citadel, a historical place with ancient ruins dating back to the Bronze Age, we were able to overlook and pray over the country as a team. I was amazed looking at the horizon, seeing house stacked upon house, upon house, hundreds and thousands of people who are lost without Jesus. And the Lord spoke to my heart- He showed me a flock of birds, what looked like doves, going about in different parts of the city. All together, all reflecting the love of the Father to all peoples. Even with the call to prayer going on in the background, my heart felt compassion for the people. I was encouraged to hear that the Lord is sending out laborers into His harvest!
Praise Reports
- We made it safely to all the countries- thank you all for your prayers, we couldn’t have done it without y’all!!
- The conference was refreshing and uplifting- it ignited a fire from underneath us!
- God is sending out workers in all parts of the world- it’s so exciting to be a part of His work!
- I applied for my Visa paperwork- please be praying for God’s will and His timing!
Prayer Requests
- Please join me in prayer for those in restricted and persecuted countries- may they be filled with the Spirit and continual boldness in sharing the Good News!
- Please continue to pray for the Middle East- may they also turn to Jesus during these moments of turmoil!
- Please continue to pray for more laborers!
- Please pray for my time back in Japan- for wisdom and understanding in language learning, as well as open doors to sharing the Gospel!

The Lord has truly given me His peace that surpasses all understanding being back in Japan. I’m more than confident in knowing this is exactly where He wants me. I’m blessed beyond measure for your prayers- I have witnessed the hedge of protection around not only myself, but the team as a whole. I’m extremely blessed for your faithful partnership on this journey.
May God supply all your needs according to HIS riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). <3