An Update on the Ministry, Not American Football – Weakland Update December 2024

Hi friends and family. It’s crazy to believe that we are now in 2025! It’s also crazy knowing that the Denver Broncos are in the playoffs! (Don’t worry, this letter is not about the Broncos. I just had to throw that in).

God is on the move here in Moyobamba. Thank you to those who have prayed. You prayer warriors are a big part of this team. Your prayers are so meaningful to me. They are truly having an impact in peoples’ lives here.

A Busy December

Our goal as Calvary Moyobamba is to share about Jesus to everyone here in our city. December was stacked with several outreaches.

In the picture below (outreach 1), we shared with about 400 people in a stadium here in the city.

In this picture, we just finished a play called “Jesus is the Best Gift.” Five people from church acted out how Jesus is the only way to heaven. Then I explained the reason why Jesus came to this earth.

In the picture below (outreach 2), we shared with about 100 students in a middle school right outside of Moyobamba.

The director of this school told us that many people are afraid of Satan and evil spirits. So we shared with the students through a play and a message about how Jesus has the greatest power over the spiritual world. Afterwards we gave out over 100 gospels of John (the red book in their hands) and shared with them a Bible reading plan.

We had some wonderful group conversations with the students afterwards. We shared more about Jesus and also answered questions that they had about the Bible. It was a sweet time! There were 10 people from the church (in the green shirts) in total that came to this outreach.

Here is a picture of Martha (from Calvary Moyobamba) comforting one of the students and praying with her.

In the picture below (outreach 3), we shared with children and their parents in an indigenous jungle community about 2 hours from Moyobamba.

We played games, taught Christians songs, and finished with sharing the gospel. These kids were SOOO hyper! Next time we need to add another game with more movement to calm down these energetic kids! As a church, we plan to return to this village and do a mission trip this year. They are the Awajun people. There are some Awajun villages that are days away and completely unreached. These unreached parts have ZERO knowledge of the Bible or Jesus. But we know a guy who can take us to them. Please keep this in prayer.

A Peek into our Sunday Services

The fellowship on Sundays is sweet! We always serve free Moyobamba coffee to those who arrive before service starts. More and more people are singing the worship songs with joy and less timidity. Hearing their voices praise the Lord is like a little slice of heaven. In our study in the gospel of Luke, we are currently seeing how much Jesus suffered on His path to the cross, and the wonderful salvation that came out of that!

Here is a peak of our Sunday service in the gospel of Luke. We will finish Luke by February, and then we’re on to another book of the Bible!

Eros (yes, that is really his name) teaching Sunday school. He is one of the most faithful servants at the church. I see him as a future leader and right hand man. Please keep him in your prayers. We want to equip and raise up local leaders, and then send them out to plant other churches when the timing is right.

A New Group

With all of the outreaches, we decided to postpone our new believers group until January (in the last newletter, I said it would start in December). I will be teaching on what the Christian life looks like. Topics include “Following Jesus,” “How to have a devotional life,” “The family,” and many more! Aside from the teaching, there will be a time for questions, interaction, and homework.

The Land

As more and more are attending church and Sunday school, we are going to need a bigger space. It’s a good problem to have. We are working on a plan with the hopes of buying a lot of land for the ministry and have church services there. We also want to do other projects as well with the land. I will give more updates and details in the next newsletter.

Praise God that…

  • There are lots of open doors to preach the gospel in Moyobamba
  • More and more people from church are stepping up from their own desire to help with different responsibilities in the ministry.
  • Many at church now have a daily devotion time in the Bible and prayer.
  • Many come to the church services with notebooks, pens, and hunger to learn more.

Prayer for…

  • Strength and boldness. I recently had a difficult but necessary conversation with someone at church. It didn’t go very well. Another conversation is needed.
  • That we as a church stay humble, always looking for peace and reconciliation with all if possible.
  • Our new believers group that starts January 18th. May biblical principles be embedded, and that we all have the same mind.
  • That all of the Awajun people hear of the salvation that there is in Jesus Christ.
  • Financial provision to buy the land.