August Update — 2024
Already another month has gone by. Time has been absolutely flying and I find the Lord calling me closer and deeper than ever before. It’s so easy for all of me to get wrapped up in what I’m doing. I’ve been seeing the Lord reminding me of His goodness, gentleness, kindness, and of His thoughts toward me more and more. A Scripture that comes to mind is in Luke 10:38-42:
“But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me.” And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (v.40-42)
It’s so easy for me to get caught up and distracted in the work that I’m doing that I don’t stop and connect with the Lord in the depth that I would like to. This passage is something that the Lord has hidden within me over the years. In my seasons of busyness (aren’t we all busy?), He lovingly reminds me to be still and sit at His feet. The things that often preoccupy my mind are far better handled in His care— He knows far better. His ways are higher and it’s okay when things go differently than planned—He knows far better. There is nowhere that feels more at home than Jesus. In my busyness I want to press in deeply.
So much has happened in this last month, and here we are in September. Wow! From weddings, to grocery trips, to new dorms, and being reunited to good friends—life is full and the Lord is good. I was asked to be in my first Peruvian wedding (for a Venezuelan couple from our church). It was a blessing and an honor.
I spent a lot of time planning and doing construction with a lot of the guys on campus. Our dorm has come a long way and we’re getting much closer to being done. We have the bathroom to finish, some finishing touches in our closet, and the clothes hanging area to do. Wherever I can, I’m teaching the guys what I know, as well as picking up new skills along the way. We’ve been working on the plumbing quite a bit. We were able to have someone come out and put in a float sensor that will automatically turn on, fill our tank, and turn off the pump when it’s done. Putting in new manifolds to all of our water piping, figuring out vents, and finding where everything goes was a process, but it was a great learning experience too. It’s been a few years, but it takes me back to my landscaping days.
The Lord has been growing my Spanish abilities and I have been able to help at different times with worship in a bilingual setting! A highlight to the kick-off of the semester wasn’t just seeing returning students, but also getting to see one of my pastors and his family for the first class. It was so good to have some family from back home come out and represent the Rock, but also to reconnect and talk about what’s coming next too! We’ve even got a new student representative from the Rock as well—God is good! In August we started up our “House to House” groups and I’ve been given the opportunity to lead our Bilingual Casa a Casa, and it’s been a blessing! Between daily tasks, the Church Planting class that restarted up, dorm stewarding, discipleship, leading the Argentina prayer group, and Casa a Casa, my time is well filled.

What’s Next:
Right now I am in the process of getting ready to teach our final class on Isaiah, where I will be teaching chapters 56-66, and I’m excited to see what the Lord is going to do. It’s been a great opportunity and the Lord has greatly grown my own understanding and perception of the book in the process. Please pray for me to handle my time well as I am studying for three different teachings this week (one for Church Planting, one for Casa a Casa, and the book of Isaiah). As for the school and the church, we’ve got our big South America Missions Conference coming up in a couple weeks, and there’s a lot of work to be done. We’re going to have quite a few more people on campus, and it’s going to be a really exciting time. Please continue to pray for everything going on with the property in Argentina as we are in the process of purchasing it. Coming up in October we’re going to have a student missions trip down near Lima and the whole school is going. Not all of the staff are going, but I will keep you posted as to whether or not I will be.

Prayer and Needs:
If you could also be praying for the school, we always have a need for help with scholarships (for South American students) and for food. We have a direct link for the new Gospel South America website that I will try to post soon if you’d like to look and see or even if you would like to help financially in some way.
- To draw closer to the Lord more and more
- Strength for teaching
- To grow in my Spanish abilities
- Provision for the school and everything for the conference
- Scholarships—and room and board
- Favor and smooth transitioning with everything in Argentina
- That the Lord would bring all who He wants in the Argentina prayer group this semester
- For the Lord to begin preparing hearts for the new campus
- For the teachings and all those who are coming for the conference
- The health of everyone on campus, as most of us have been sick
- The new church plants and works the Lord is leading towards
- That we would trust and watch His faithfulness
- For evangelism here in Trujillo
- Please pray for my family right now as my grandma just passed about a week ago
- That my unsaved family would come to the Lord. Pray that the Lord would bring His hope and healing to their hearts
Thank you so much for partnering with me to be here and walk in the gifts and calling the Lord has placed on my life. I could not be here without your prayers and support. You are a blessing!