Calvary School of Missions 2020
Mexico COVID Relief

It’s a privilege to serve God at Calvary School of Missions (CSOM) here in Mexico. The leaders and students, led by the Lord, got off to a wonderful start and are a little over halfway through. Hopefully, you’ve been able to read our update letters, if not please CLICK HERE to connect with us and…
Listen to His Prompting

– Week Three of CSOM – We’re halfway into the School of Missions and already I am so amazed at the work God has done in me. This past week we helped out at three places- Calvary Chapel Rosarito (CCR), Calvary Chapel Rancho Santa Cruz, and a ranch. At CCR, we painted parts of the…
Love in Abundance

Let the peoples praise You, O God;Let all the peoples praise You.Oh, let the nations be gladand sing for joy!For You shall judge thepeople righteously,And govern the nations on earth.”Psalm 67:3-4 Week TRES of Mexico has been three times more amazing than I could have ever expected! Throughout this week, God has been teaching me…
Pressing On

Man, 3 weeks! Can I just say what a blessing it is that you’ve taken the time to come and see what God is doing in my life? I can’t tell you how much it means to me. Jesus has been showing me so much, and I can’t wait to see what’s next—thank you for…
Making Disciples

Greeting friends and family, We are at the halfway mark of our time here in Rosarito, and the enemy is using his sneaky tactics to try to trip us up. Which should not be surprising as he always tries to undermine what God is doing. He has been doing all he can to contradict what…
SOM Week 3: Beautiful Things

It seems as if I just wrote and sent out my last update. This week flew by! This is the halfway point of the School of Missions. We’re three weeks in with three weeks left to go. One of the strangest feelings in life is feeling as if time has flown by, and yet the past feels…
Sweet Saving Grace

WEEK 3 CSOM Hello Friends, How ya doin? I hope you’re doing so well. I can’t believe we’ve already reached the halfway mark of Calvary School of Missions. You coming alongside me during this time of schooling and seeking God’s plan for my life has truly touched my heart. Knowing that I have people in…
Worship in the Valley

The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will…
Dude, The Rocks Cried Out!

Calvary School of Missions 2020 — Week 3 It’s Rachel again! I have been so excited to sit down each week and communicate to you what the Lord has been doing at the School of Missions! I am so thankful for your fellowship in the gospel, praying for you and your families, and thanking God…
No Place to Rest

Arise and go, for this is no place to rest…. MICAH 2:10 Another week has wrapped up here in Rosarito, and it’s an honor to get to share with you again. Thank you so much for taking the time to read these updates, and I hope that they bless you as much as we feel…