Building on Sure Foundation


“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”            Hebrews. 4:12


Dear Friends and family!

Greetings! We hope and pray for you to be fine, and we are thankful to you for the prayers and support. We are grateful to be part of Saving Grace World Missions that is impacting many parts of the world including Pakistan. The friends back in the office often call us [the missionaries] “World Changers” but we in the mission field have over and over again experienced that there is nothing in us that can bring any good change in the world. The only thing that can truly transform any person, family or society is the Word of God. And that’s the only sure foundation we need to build our families and communities on.

In our country and many neighboring countries, it seems that there is great spiritual and religious revival in Christianity, but the facts reveal something else. So many self-proclaimed pastors and religious leaders are emerging from every place and the version of Christianity that they are trying to introduce to people is really distorted. The only thing most of the people seem to be after is physical healing and Prosperity. This is very sad and the pursuit of healing and prosperity is hurting so many people when they could not get what they were running after. And such people are becoming bitter and are turning into critics not of such so-called pastors but whole Christianity. We believe that it’s good for them and it’s also a great chance for true churches to go forward and share the true Word of God with such people.

We praise God that Calvary Chapel Pakistan has always been very focused on sharing the true word of God to all different small groups that we are reaching every week.

As you know we have two small congregations, one women’s group and one group of brick makers that is being reached and fed on the word of God by our team, and it is amazing to see these wonderful people growing in the understanding of the word of God and thus being built as true and strong Christians.

And during this year we are expanding our mission field by reaching more people through different mediums with the word of God, namely:


Free Scriptural Book: I’ve been working with “World Missionary Press Inc.” voluntarily for many years and I’ve translated their many booklets and books into Urdu language. We praise God that now we have Bible Study books on “Genesis, Mathew, John, Romans and Revelation.” World Missionary Press in providing these books totally free to Calvary Chapel Pakistan and we are distributing these books among different churches and ministry in whole Pakistan and we are encouraging all those who send us book requests to form different groups to study the word of God in an organized and systematic way. And these are not the only books that World Missionary Press is providing, there are 9 other titles of booklets in Urdu that are being provided from the platform of Calvary Chapel Pakistan in the whole country.





Ministry to High Schoolers: We praise God that there are some wonderful people in educational fields who are not just concerned about their business through providing formal education but also are concerned to equip the new generation with biblical education.

Such is one of my friends named Walter who is principal of a school. He has been asking for starting a regular Bible class at his school on every Saturday during last year, and finally, the Bible study is now started properly. It has given us chance to reach about 70 high school students, about 10 staff member and sometimes some of the parents. We praise God for such wonderful opportunity. While I am teaching these wonderful young men and women I am giving them realistic approach to see all that is going around them in the name of Christianity and religious teaching and at the same time helping them to study the word of God themselves.


Ministry to Un-educated: In every village and area we visit, we meet so many people particularly elderly men and women who cannot read and write. They are fully dependent on others to share the word of God with them. It was always on my heart to help these precious people somehow, and finally, the Lord has provided a wonderful source for us to help them. A dear Sister and friend in the Lord named Jaylene helped CC Pakistan to get connected with “Faith Comes by Hearing” and after meeting their official requirement, they have sent us first parcel with Audio devices with the recording of New Testament in the Urdu language for those Pakistani Christians who cannot read. We are going to form some groups of such people and will provide them with these wonderful devices in order to listen to the word of God together, have some discussion and prayer together. This is really amazing how God provides the sources for His people. I’ve seen the impact of such audio Bible devices in the lives of some people and I was really encouraged to see how wonderfully their lives were changed after listening to the exact words of the Bible themselves. We are very much thankful to “Faith Comes by Hearing” and all of you who pray for us and encourage us to continue contending for the faith and striving to take the word of God to all we can reach. As I’ve mentioned before many times, we always need good Christian resources, you are welcome to share with us pamphlets, tracts, books and audio-video teachings. We are thankful to you for prayers and support. We want to encourage you to share about Calvary Chapel Pakistan with your friends and family, with your church and Bible study groups. Please continue to pray for us, for the provision of all needs and for the protection of Christians in Pakistan, of our congregations and our team. God Bless You!

In Christ Jesus,

Nadeem Massey


New Beginning

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”      1 Corinthians 15:58

Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ, Happy New Year! We praise God for His all blessings and protection during year 2017, and we pray for all of you as well as for Calvary Chapel Pakistan’s team to be able to serve God faithfully and be under His protection. In this update I am going to share particular about the second church that we have planted outside of town and I also wish to share with you a pressing need.

There are about 200 Christian families in a colony outside of our town where we have been visiting for almost last full year. Some visiting pastors have been going there rarely, but those people don’t have any appointed pastor and they don’t have any particular place [namely church building] to get together for prayer and worship. Since we are reaching and sharing the word of God with these people, they are becoming organized in weekly meetings and other church activities.We had been having Sunday Meetings in the yard of a family in the evenings of spring and summer of 2017, now as the winter has started, it’s not possible for the families to gather in the yard for the Sunday meetings as it the freezing cold and foggy, it’s very hard to stay outside for even short time.



During Christmas we had special arrangements, we rented out a tent for covering and the people put some dirt in the yard in order to make a more leveled place for those people who were going to join us.

On December 23 the whole work was finished and everyone from younger to older took part in this all arrangement. We took chairs and pulpit from our town to that place for Christmas programs.

Finally, we were able to have services of Dec. 24 and 25 in a tent, many people joined us in the meeting, children had prepared Christmas drama and they presented many Christmas songs. And along with great fellowship and blessed evening, everyone was fed on the living and eternal word of God. We really praise God that these people are growing spiritually as we are studying the life stories of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph in our Sunday Services and by pondering on their lives, challenges, failures, trust in the Lord and God’s faithfulness, we all are being wonderfully encouraged and growing spiritually. As we started reaching these precious souls and we faithfully started serving these scattered people, they have started gathering under the cross of our Lord and now they feel much more united and blessed to be part of our Sunday services and other meetings. We give our Lord all glory and praise and we want to thank all of you for your faithfulness to encouraging us through your prayers and all kinds of support to continue reaching disadvantaged and underprivileged people to share the word of God with them and encouraged them in Christ our Lord.








Now one of our church members has offered us to use his yard for Sunday Services and all kinds of church activities as long as we need to. We are very much thankful to that fellow and his family but it’s not always possible to continue the church activities under open heaven because of weather severity. We need to build a temporary Iron structure and put iron roofing in order to cover that area, we will need to put some dirt there to raise the level of the place in order to make it safe during the rainy season and along with that we need some side coverings, table and chairs, a pulpit, carpets and some lights for the place. After we have a temporary structure with iron roofing it will help people to come to the fellowship and it will save us all from the severity of winter and summer as well as rainy season. In order to get this all done we need the financial support of $2,130/, so through this post, I want to request all of you to please pray for this church that we have planted, pray for us to continually reach them with the true message of the gospel. Please also pray for the provision so that we may build this structure soon as possible. If Lord leads you to financially support this special cause, we will highly appreciate that and will be very much thankful to you!

Once again We want to thank you for being our faithful prayer and support partners, we want to let you know that we pray for all of you and we love you!

In Christ Jesus
Pastor Nadeem Massey