We wanted to send you just a quick update in the middle of a busy Summer. Our family is doing great, and the kids are having a blast swimming, meeting friends, and learning new things this Summer.
As many of you know, we hold an annual six-week Calvary School of Missions in Rosarito, Mexico every Summer. This program provides a primer for training young people in the theology and practicality of international missions and reaching the unreached. The theme is always a surrender of their lives and plans to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. This year, Joel got to go for the first week of the school to meet the students, minister to them as they grapple with missions and theology through a whirlwind first week. This has been a huge blessing, as he has never gotten to go for the first week and establish relationship with the students like this! In particular, it is really awesome for him to use his gift of leading worship to create an environment of surrender, intimacy with the Lord, and fervent prayer for the students. Please pray that the Lord would give guidance and wisdom to the students over the remaining fives weeks, and that He would strengthen them through the spiritual warfare they will experience.
Leading the students in a time of worship, prayer, and surrender to the Great Commission
Love in Christ, Joel, Amy, Maggie, Harrison, Jude, and Clara Garcia
Check out this video of some of the things going on in our life and ministry this Summer:
We would ask that you pray for the Lord to meet our financial needs and consider partnering with our ministry financially as the Lord leads. If you would like to support us financially either on an ongoing basis or through a one-time donation, you can do so by clicking the “Become A Financial Partner” button below, OR you can mail a check written out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Joel Garcia support” in the memo section to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873.
We also would love to keep you updated on our ministry via our newsletter email updates if you are interested. You can sign up for those by clicking the button below:
Some people don’t realize that in a family in vocational ministry like us, the kids are as big a part of the calling as the parents! On this lovely Saturday morning as I write this, I’m sitting in the living room while my two oldest, Maggie (7) & Harrison (5) build a Magnet Tile house. I decided to take the opportunity to interview them for this update; hope you enjoy!
Funny picture from a recent camping trip!
What is your favorite part about mom and dad doing ministry?
Maggie: I like inviting people over and telling them more about Jesus.
Harrison: I like having the young adults group over at our house every Friday night and hanging out with them!
Why do you think dad goes on trips to other countries sometimes?
M: So that he can help other people learn about Jesus. And he visits missionaries that we help support
H: So that he can talk to people, be with people, and share with people about Jesus
What is the hardest part for you when dad goes on a trip?
M: I don’t like it because you aren’t with us, but it’s worth it because when you come home I get to see all the pictures you take.
H: I don’t like missing you, but if you didn’t go, then less people will hear about Jesus and go to be with Him in Heaven.
[Note: Missing my family is also my least favorite part of trips! But Amy and I have taught the kids how important it is for dad to go visit missionaries because it’s part of the gospel going to the nations!]
Dad leading worship on his last trip to Mexico
How do you serve Jesus right now, and how do you want to serve Him when you’re older?
M: I am working on writing books to sell and raise money for missionaries. When I’m older, I want to be an artist and draw pictures from stories of the Bible and write what the story is about.
H: I serve Jesus by giving money to missionaries [note: last year Harrison decided to give some of his birthday money to a missionary we support] and I pray for people. When I’m older, I want to serve Jesus by being a missionary in Australia and Arizona [note: this was news to me this morning!].
The Magnet Tile house came out great
I pray you all enjoyed this update, and I hope you remember to pray for our kids when you pray for our family’s ministry!
We would ask that you pray for the Lord to meet our financial needs and consider partnering with our ministry financially as the Lord leads. If you would like to support us financially either on an ongoing basis or through a one-time donation, you can do so by clicking the “Become A Financial Partner” button below, OR you can mail a check written out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Joel Garcia support” in the memo section to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873.
We also would love to keep you updated on our ministry via our newsletter email updates if you are interested. You can sign up for those by clicking: Email Updates
Love in Christ, Joel, Amy, Maggie, Harrison, Jude, and Clara Garcia
Thank you so much for taking the time to check out our latest ministry & family update. Check out the video below to learn the latest from us.
We would ask that you pray for the Lord to meet our financial needs and consider partnering with our ministry financially as the Lord leads. If you would like to support us financially either on an ongoing basis or through a one-time donation, you can do so by clicking the “Become A Financial Partner” button below, OR you can mail a check written out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Joel Garcia support” in the memo section to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873.
We also would love to keep you updated on our ministry via our newsletter email updates if you are interested. You can sign up for those by clicking the button below:
This past month has been filled with some amazing ministry opportunities for us. I (Joel) was able to help lead a team of youth and young adults on a Mexico trip, where our church’s heart is to get the students stirred up for the cause of reaching the nations with the gospel. My main goal there was to help lead and disciple the students through that process, as well as taking a few opportunities to step out of my comfort zone and lead some worship in Spanish (a language I don’t speak!).
Loading up care packages
Leading worship in Spanish
Amy had the opportunity to teach for a women’s event at our church. She spoke to a group of moms about establishing a biblical vision for routines, rhythms, and rest in our homes. Opportunities for this can be hard to come by for a busy mom of four, so it was a blessing for me (Joel) to see that she did such an amazing job pouring into other busy moms.
Amy teaching at a mom’s group at CCSG
Thank you all for supporting us in our ministry! Please be in prayer for me, that more opportunities to take trips to help strengthen our SGWM missionaries arrive as vaccines open up more doors. Also pray as I help lead the vision of missionary sending and care from the home office.
We would ask that you pray for the Lord to meet our financial needs and consider partnering with our ministry financially as the Lord leads. If you would like to support us financially either on an ongoing basis or through a one-time donation, you can do so by clicking the “Become A Financial Partner” button below, OR you can mail a check written out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Joel Garcia support” in the memo section to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873.
We also would love to keep you updated on our ministry via our newsletter email updates if you are interested. You can sign up for those by clicking the button below:
Hey everyone! Here is a short video update on our family and ministry. I encourage you all to meditate on Romans 15:30-33 and its implications for all of us as missionary SENDERS! We are so blessed by all of your support and prayers!
We would ask that you pray for the Lord to meet our financial needs and consider partnering with our ministry financially as the Lord leads. If you would like to support us financially either on an ongoing basis or through a one-time donation, you can do so by clicking the “Become A Financial Partner” button below, OR you can mail a check written out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Joel Garcia support” in the memo section to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873.
We also would love to keep you updated on our ministry via our newsletter email updates if you are interested. You can sign up for those by clicking the button below:
I’m sure we were all ready for a fresh start in 2021. For our church, we started off the year with a week of prayer and fasting together, which was such an eye-opening time of denying our flesh and pressing into Jesus together. There’s no better way for us to start our year!
On the SGWM front, it has been so refreshing for me moving forward in our vision for missionary care, which I am privileged to lead. This has involved me meeting with multiple SGWM missionaries each week to get to know them better, wrap my head around their ministries and their needs, and simply let them know that SGWM is here for them. It’s like linking arms with missionaries all over the globe, and it’s exciting to have that kind of direction to sink my teeth into and do what I was made to do: simply play a part in the Great Commission! And I want to tell you, wherever you are and whatever vocation you are in, that you are called to play a role as well. In fact, those of you who support and pray for our family are playing a role in that way, and I can’t tell you how much I praise God for that!
Our family is doing well. Thank God we have all been able to stay healthy. Maggie just celebrated her 7th birthday! It is a fun, loud, and busy season with the four kids running around, but we wouldn’t trade it for anything. Amy and I continue to lead our young adults ministry, where we’ve just begun going through the book of Galatians. Amy is helping out a few other ladies in our church with a ministry for moms to receive encouragement and discipleship. I get so much joy out of seeing the Lord use her in ways like this!
We would ask that you pray for the Lord to meet our financial needs and consider partnering with our ministry financially as the Lord leads. If you would like to support us financially either on an ongoing basis or through a one-time donation, you can do so by clicking the “Become A Financial Partner” button below, OR you can mail a check written out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Joel Garcia support” in the memo section to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873.
We also would love to keep you updated on our ministry via our newsletter email updates if you are interested. You can sign up for those by clicking the button below:
This year has had its ups and downs. Well, let’s face it, for many of us, it feels like this year in particular has been chock full of downs. But as I (Joel) was in a staff Christmas gathering this morning, we talked about all of the good things God has done this year through our ministry, and the amazing teams He has placed around us to make it happen. And that got me to thinking about the amazing team my family has: all of you who read these updates, pray for us, and support us financially. Seriously, it blows us away that you guys support us and stand behind all that the Lord does in and through us for the sake of the gospel going to our neighbors and the nations. We are so incredibly thankful for each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts.
So while turning the calendar on 2020 doesn’t mean that everything will magically change and the woes of this year will end, it also doesn’t mean that God will stop moving; He won’t! Thank you for being used by Him. Your faithfulness is not just a blessing to us, but a way that you are actively involved in the kingdom from wherever you are. We couldn’t do it without you, and we wouldn’t want to.
Love in Christ, Joel, Amy, Maggie, Harrison, Jude, and Clara Garcia
Hello Friends & Family! We bring you this month’s Garcia Family Update in the form of a video ? Check it out, and be encouraged to keep trusting, keep moving, and keep perspective in the midst of these tumultuous times!
Please pray for us:
1. That the Lord would continue to give us energy and wisdom for raising our wonderful kids!
2. That the Lord would sustain Joel’s voice, as he has a nagging cough that comes with the high usage of his voice in teaching and leading worship.
3. That the Lord would provide all that we need financially through this coming holiday season and into the new year when our rental lease renews.
4. For our amazing missionaries around the world whose ministries are affected in various ways due to COVID.
Just a quick update from the Garcia Family as we enter my favorite time of year: the Fall and Winter seasons. It has certainly been a strange season for everyone in the world this year, and our family and church has been no exception. We thank God for the ways He has drawn us closer to Him and challenged us as we do both local and worldwide ministry and raise young kids during a worldwide pandemic and social and political unrest in our country. All in all, our kids and family have done amazing and flourished during this time. We couldn’t be more proud of our kids and thankful for the Lord’s work in their lives. But COVID has changed a lot of things, from the way we grocery shop to the way we visit grandparents.
One really cool thing that COVID prompted SGWM to do was to set up a monthly Zoom prayer meeting with all of our missionaries. It is such a sweet time the first Thursday of every month, and I had the privilege of leading it this month!
And speaking of new seasons, it was bittersweet this month to officially send off our intern J.S. to his other home church in Northern California, where he will begin official preparations to head off to the Middle East next year! It is so cool to see our first intern whom the Lord has fully prepared to send out on the field, and I am excited for him to move under my leadership in the missionary sending ministry of SGWM.
Send off Sunday for J.S.!
Thank you all for all of your prayers and support! We could not do what the Lord has called us to do without all of you.
We would ask that you pray for the Lord to meet our financial needs and consider partnering with our ministry financially as the Lord leads. If you would like to support us financially either on an ongoing basis or through a one-time donation, you can do so by clicking the “Become A Financial Partner” button below, OR you can mail a check written out to Saving Grace World Missions with “Joel Garcia support” in the memo section to Saving Grace World Missions, 17451 Bastanchury Rd., Suite 203, Yorba Linda, CA 92886-1873.
We also would love to keep you updated on our ministry via our newsletter email updates if you are interested. You can sign up for those by clicking the button below: