We are excited to announce that we are married! We can’t believe it has been a month already; it has been so awesome! Marriage is such a gift from God and we both can’t wait for all that the LORD has in store.
Leading up to the wedding it felt so slow at times, and yet at other times, time was flying! There were many challenges for both of us in our engagement season, lots of difficulties that we did and didn’t anticipate, but the LORD was absolutely enthroned through all of it. We can honestly say that we are grateful for all of the stretching and growing, for all of the various trials by which He has tested our faith and gifted us with perseverance, preparing us for seasons, trials, and victories yet to come, but now… as husband and wife!
The Bridegroom and His Bride
Right from our engagement back in February, we knew that this wedding was going to be centered on Christ and the good news of His death and resurrection; after all, it is the gospel that has transformed both of our lives and has brought us together for a purpose so much greater than we ever could’ve asked for or imagined. Therefore, we are not ashamed!
Our prayers were answered as our whole church family rallied around us in cooking, serving, planning, coordinating, setting up/tearing down, etc.; we were so grateful to see them being the hands and feet of Jesus, which was perhaps the strongest witness of the whole event to our unsaved family and friends. They heard AND saw the gospel in action. Do join us in praying for all of those seeds planted in their hearts, so that there will be a harvest for His kingdom.

“Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready.” – REVELATION 19:7
Something one of our pastors told us when we were first engaged is that a wedding is only one day, one party, as incredible as it is; but the true witness of marriage comes with time, with aging, with growing; therein lies the witness of two regenerate hearts beating after their Lord and Savior! We are His bride, and He is our Bridegroom!
We had prayed for months leading up to the wedding about where we would live and how we would be able to afford anything, and God has provided! We are living with my family while we grow our business and continue to train for missions. We do ask for prayer for our business, as it has been challenging, but also fruitful; we know we have been called to steward it in this season, so we want to do so with diligence and with grateful obedience.
We also want to share that we have struggled with health concerns, and we’d love for prayer in regards to these as well! Araceli has been struggling with her breathing, and though at this time we believe it to be asthma, we are not yet sure. I (Barek) have been struggling with a random and rapid onset of vertigo, These have been challenging for sure, but we are grateful to have each other and to have access to the medical/professional help that we need.
Missions Training School

We have started the new year of MTS, this being Araceli’s third year and my (Barek) second year! It has been so awesome seeing all of the new year one students who went through the School of Missions (CSOM) this summer. God is using this school, this small but mighty church, to reach out unto the ends of the earth, and it is the honor of our lifetimes to be a part of this eternal work. God be glorified! Please pray for all of us students as we seek to grow in ministry, in the word, and in our callings to fulfill the Great Commission.
Regarding the Mission Field
We mentioned in a previous newsletter that we wanted to go on a vision tour to the Middle-East, which took place in October. But between our business and the wedding planning, we strongly felt that it wasn’t the right time. Our hearts are still eager, however, to see this part of the world. Please join us in praying for an opportunity to go in the next year.
When we look back, we are astounded at the faithfulness of our God, for all that He has given both of us. We look forward to writing our next newsletter as we are praying through some exciting new ministry opportunities!
- For the gift of marriage! We are so excited and grateful.
- For the gospel going forth in power on our wedding day.
- For provision in every way as we surrender our lives into His will.
- For our unsaved family and friends who heard and saw the gospel!
- For our business, as we seek to grow it and steward it well.
- For our physical health.
- For ministry and missions opportunities!
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter! We appreciate your support through prayers and ask that you continue to seek the Lord with us in regards to this calling on our lives. If you feel led to partner with us financially, with a one-time or a recurring gift, it would be such a great blessing. there is a giving link below! God bless you, and please reach out with any questions or encouragements.
Til’ Kingdom come, the Brzezinski’s