How To Partner With Us

There are are many ways you can partner with our ministry.


We are confident that prayer is the most vital contribution anyone can give. These are the four main areas we can use your prayer.

  1. For the well being and safety of our family
  2. Leaders to be raised within the congregation
  3. Church plants in the state of Guerrero
  4. Open hearts to the gospel message

Financial Giving

Another opportunity to partner with us is through financial giving in the following areas.

  1. Support the current work in the city of Acapulco
  2. Help us plant churches throughout the state of Guerrero
  3. Partner with the Villegas family personally

We truly acknowledge that any partnership with our ministry is a team effort in which we bear fruit together. When you become a financial partner you are a co-laborer in the work God has given us. Please prayerfully consider coming alongside of us. The smallest contribution goes a long way. Thank you all!

Send a Team

Receiving teams in the mission field is an absolute blessing to both of us. The experience is unforgettable as we labor with the church and create friendships that last for life. Open outreach is one of the tools used to preach the Gospel message and teams play a big role in our evangelism. We also have many projects within the church that can use many hands.

For more information please feel free to contact us at