Pastor 4 was born in a Christian family. His father and mother have been serving the Lord as full-time missionaries for the past thirty-nine years. He also has a younger brother who assists his parents in ministry.

Pastor 4 has had many dreams and visions since the time he was six years old. However, he did not know what it meant until his parents opened the Bible and showed him Joel 2:28.

When Pastor 4. was six years old, his parents put him in a boarding school. At that time, he asked his Mom, “Who is going to tell me Bible stories?”

His parents gave him a Bible and said, “All the stories are in here.” But he asked, “Did God speak to Abraham, Moses, Jonah and the other people mentioned in the Bible?”

When he heard a “Yes” from his mother, he said, “Only when God speaks, will I read the Bible.”

But after a few years he realized that God was speaking to him. Pastor 4 had studied to be an Aeronautical Engineer, but on the 3rd of March, 2010 at 3AM the Lord spoke to him to serve Him. From that very day, he has been in fulltime ministry. God made a way, through a Calvary Chapel pastor in California, to study the Word and complete his bachelor’s in Theology at CCBCE in Hungary.

Since the day God spoke to him, he has not gone back to work a single day at a secular job. Yet, he has traveled to various places across the globe with the good news of Christ Jesus. The Lord has been providing for him in everything that he needs and has shown him how faithful He is always.

Pastor 4’s heart’s desire is to glorify God and serve Him till his last breath by living a life that is pleasing unto God, winning souls for Christ, making disciples of Christ, and planting churches in all the places that God would send him.

*Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.