I hope you all are doing well! I would like to take this opportunity to share with you all that the Lord has been doing here in this country through your prayers and support. 

Sharing God’s Word

During the month of December, I was privileged to do an outreach with the students in one of our student’s hometown. Many people in the churches there gave their lives to the Lord! The churches there are mainline–meaning the people who attend the church consider themselves to be Christian because they were born into a Christian family. They teach the children at a young age about leadership positions in the church, and they come to the church to try to win elections within the church and gain positions there.  The Lord spoke to these people; many arguments had happened before in the church. But, after this outreach, people forgave each other! They were all in tears! Praise the Lord for what He has done here! 

All throughout the month of December, I have had the opportunity to share the Gospel in many places. I traveled over 4000 kilometers (about 2500 miles) for kingdom work. The Lord used our family to bring joy in families that had lost family members in the past year. He also used us to encourage young pastors who were fearful to continue in the ministry.

  It has been a great joy to see how the Lord creates opportunities in places that we do not plan. We used to work in one village, and from there, people who came from the next village asked us if we could go to their village the next day. In the midst of all of this, I was surprised to see how the people remember my dad, who had been to all of these places in the year 1979. When he traveled there in 1979, he had to switch boats three different times to get to the villages. Even today, we have to park somewhere, take a boat, and then hike more than an hour to visit the villages. I asked my father how he learned about these villages, and he said the Lord would speak to him at night, and he would leave the next day. It would take him over a week to get to the villages. As he began his journey and reached the shore, people were waiting for him. They said that they had a dream that he was going to come there. They shared with each other that they saw a man in their dream, who would come from a far away place. Then, they would gather together and wait at the shore for him. As my father arrived, they would all rejoice and share about their dreams about my father coming. This is how the Lord reached out to these villages first. My father had never been to the village before, and the Lord spoke to him and also to the villagers; He created the opportunity and people were saved! Today, all of these villages have churches.   

As we were leaving the villages, my father said, “Son, I have done as much as the Lord has enabled me to do, and I am glad that you are now doing what the Lord has called you to. There will be struggles in life, but never give up because a day will come when people who have seen and heard the Gospel years ago will thank you for bringing the Gospel. That day, you will experience the joy.” 

He continued on sharing his past experiences, saying that three times his small boat sank as he traveled to the villages, and a few people died who were traveling with him. Every time that happened, he thought that he would not return again, but the Holy Spirit prompted him to return to the villages, and today he sees the fruit. Then, he said, “Now, their children need to have the same relationship with you; so pray about this.” I felt that the Lord spoke to me through that. I am praying that the Lord would have me to go and be there for a few days every break to minister to these villagers and strengthen their walk in their faith. It was like a vision trip for me. I thank God for my parents who have labored in His vineyard without expectation. I wish I could share pictures of this place with you all, but my phone fell in a water jug and it has stopped working. Because of this, I do not have any current pictures that I can share with you this time. 

Prayer Requests

  • I would like to ask you to please be praying for us, as we will be hosting a meeting for 10,000 people during the month of February. People from different villages and towns will come to worship. This will be the fifteenth year since my parents began this meeting. Please pray for us as we make arrangements. We provide food and shelter for people all three days. Please pray that the Lord will provide all that is needed for the meetings.  
  • Please pray for me, as I have been busy with many things. I need strength, wisdom, peace and direction about where to buy things for construction. 
  • Please pray for more male students to come to our Bible School. 
  • Please pray that the Lord will give me wisdom and Godspeed with translation. 
  • Please pray that in the midst of all of this, that I will depend upon God alone, and not on my past experiences. 

The students from the previous semester have arrived, and we are studying the Word from 6AM until 9AM. Then, we have been working in the field. In addition, there is some construction that has also been happening. Also, we have been traveling and informing people about the meeting. Please pray that the Lord will bring people from everywhere and that we will all rejoice in the Lord and people will be saved. I thank you all very much for your prayers and support. I am so thankful to the Lord for you all. Blessings!

I thank you all very much for your prayers,

Yours in Christ, 

Pastor 4*

* Names have been changed or omitted for security reasons.