April Update


“Jesus is risen, He is risen indeed! Hallelujah!”

I am blessed to serve the Lord with the children and people here in Tijuana. We had an absolutely wonderful, blessed Resurrection Day. We all gathered at our men’s discipleship home in Ensenada and heard the Good News of Jesus dying for our sins and being raised up the third day, then ate together and had fun fellowshipping and playing games together. The kids let lots of purple and white balloons go up, up, way up in the sky, just like Jesus went to be with his Father in heaven.

Pastor Chris giving the Word
kids getting ready to let the balloons go up in the sky


Our 4th youth Conference was held at CC Pedregales on Mar. 30th and Apr. 01.  Many youth from all the local Calvary Chapels gathered to learn from God’s Word and fellowship together. The theme was “Hacedores de la Palabra”, (Doers of the Word), focusing on the book of 1 John. They all compete in different areas all having to do with the theme, and as you can see in the photo, the youth from CC Pedregales won second place.

CC Pedregales youth at youth conference




Some brothers and sisters from Calvary Chapel Westgrove came for two days and we had a great time getting to know them and serve alongside them on the streets of Tijuana.  There were  about 25 of us altogether and we hit the streets of Tijuana on April 14th to share the love of Jesus with the people and to invite them to a special Evangelistic Service at our church in downtown Tijuana. The youth brought their guitars and beautiful voices, and played and sang and it really drew the people in. It was our first time doing this, and it was a great blessing and a joy to see the people come to the service.   There were about 15 decisions or re-dedications made to the Lord. We plan to do this every month.   Thanks to all from CC Westgrove for sharing your hearts and blessing us. I know we will see you again very soon!

Evangelizing in downtown Tijuana


youth from CC Westgrove and Rosemary singing on the streets of Tijuana


Evangelsim team from CC Westgrove and brethren from CC Tijuana and CC Pedregales