Big City, Small Kids, Big Hope

“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble.” James 1:27a

Gospel Outreach with Slum Children

This was a month where we had a great opportunity to serve children in a slum area of the capital.  These are the children who live in a big city but in small homes, big people with a small life-style, big city but less opportunity.  This city has many high quality schools, but the children from the slums attend very poor quality schools.  This city has schools that teach people who come from all over the country, but they neglect these children right here.  More than that, these children need Jesus who can transform their lives.  Our aim is not to change their life-style, which is secondary, but we want to give them Jesus, which is primary. We thank the Lord for the visiting team who went with us to minister to all of these children.  Every time we come here, they are so friendly to us and want to be a part of our lives and want to know us. We praise God that He allows us to serve these young lives!

Local Children We Work With

“But Jesus called them to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:16.

Once again, let me tell you about another group of kids who live near our community.  We’ve seen them many times walking in their friend groups throughout our neighborhood, speaking curse words, smoking cigarettes, wearing dirty clothes, skipping school, etc. 

Playing Soccer With Local Kids We Are Sharing Christ With

Recently, we approached them to share the Gospel and invite them in church.  We’ve been helping them with their homework from school.  We have see hope in their life.  We also are helping them by giving some health kits, note books, toys, and snacks.  It has been a great opportunity to share the stories of Jesus with them, while showing them His love towards them.  These kids love to play football (soccer), love to play guitar, and so much more.  The more time that we have spent with them, we have recognized that these kids also come from poor families that are not able to support them to go to a good school or invest for their life.  

” A bruised reed He will not break, And smoking flax He will not quench,”                                             –  Matthew 12:20a

Our Family

Thank you for your prayers,

Anand, Usha, Asher & Amos

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